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SAT 1 2 PM - 4:30 PM
Beginning June 7, 2021
Wednesday, June 16, H.W. Due Thursday, June 17, 2021 by 10 am
Test 8 - Pick ONE section you need the most work on right now!
1) ​Reading - p. 552 - 567, do all the things you need to do to get the right answers, including indexing, underline 10-15%, cross out answers that make them wrong, underline in questions stems and passage.
Identify vocab and questions you want to know more about.
1a) Email Picture - p. 564 and 565 Tell us how you want your rebate!
2) Writing - p. 572 - 589, do all the things you were taught so far! Words you want to know more about.
2a) Email questions, no picture. Tell us how you want your rebate!
3) Math - Section 4, p. 598-615, SHOW WORK!
3a) email pages - p. 603 and 612 , and what you want to know amore about. Tell us how you want your rebate!
Tuesday, June 15, H.W. Due Wednesday, June 16, 2021 by 10 am
Test 9 Section 2 - all (PP. 442-457 )
1) Answer the questions by writing the letter to the side.
2) Identify those that you felt less than 85% certain you can define the right answer with evidence. (More than it sounds right!)
3) Look at explanations on first 22 questions pp. 524-528. What terms do you want to know more about.
In the email you send us, include the following:
4) Any questions you want to know more about and vocabulary you want to know more about.
5) Email to by 10 am Monday!
Monday, June 14, H.W. Due Tuesday, June 15, 2021 by 10 am
Test 10 Section 2 - all (PP. 316-322 )
1) Answer the questions by writing the letter to the side.
2) Identify those that you felt less than 85% certain you can define the right answer with evidence. (More than it sounds right!)
One the emailed passages -
3) On the first 2 passages, label them as a 1-7 (from the types of commas.)
4) You can check your own answers in the second document. Which ones do you need to hear more about!
In the email you send us, include the following:
5) Any questions you want to know more about.
6) In the passages we emailed you, which type of commas do you want to know more about.
7) No pictures, just questions!
Thursday, June 10, H.W. Due Monday, June 14, 2021 by 10 am
Test 10 Section 4 - all (PP.340 -355)
1) Show lots of work!!! Every question should have something!
2) Answer the questions by writing the letter to the side.
In the email you send us, include the following:
3) Any questions you want to know more about.
4) Take pictures of these pages 343 & 347 with your name on the email to by 10 am Monday!
Wednesday, June 9, H.W. Due Thursday, June 10, 2021 by 10 am
Test 8 first two reading passages
1) Index the passages
2) Show process of elimination by crossing out individual words or phrases
3) Answer the questions by writing the letter to the side.
4) Underline 10 - 15 % of the passages to show what is important .
Test 10 Section 3 - all
5) Show lots of work!!!
In the email you send us, include the following:
6) Vocabulary you want to discuss
7) Any questions you want to know more about.
8 Take pictures of these pages 334 & 558 with your name on the email to by 10 am tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 8, H.W. Due Wednesday, June 9, 2021 by 10 am
Finish Test 9
Test 9 pages 426 - 438 (questions 1 - 42)
1) Index the passages
2) Show process of elimination by crossing out individual words or phrases
3) Answer the questions by writing the letter to the side.
4) Optional - Write the topic (one or two words) and point of focus (one sentence) for each passage.
5) Underline 10 - 15 % of the passages to show what is important .
6) In the question stems - Underline a couple of words that you say are important
In the email you send us, include the following:
7) Items you want to know more about
8) Vocabulary you want to discuss
9) Take pictures of these pages 426 & 427 with your name on the email to by 10 am tomorrow!
Monday, H.W. Due Tuesday, June 8, 2021
BBB Test 10, p. 298 to 311
Read 4 passages
1) Index all passages
2) Cross out the words in the answer that make them wrong.
3) Answer all the questions for passages 1 - 4 by writing the letter off to the side.
4) Write the topic (one or two words) and point of focus (one sentence) for each passage.
5) Underline 10 - 15 % of the passages to show what is important .
6) Optional - Underline 10 - 15% of the words in the question
In the email you send us, include the following:
1) Questions you want to know more about
2) Vocabulary you want to discuss
3) Take pictures of these pages 309 & 310 with your name on the email to by 10 am tomorrow!
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